Rift Valley University News! Rift Valley University Kality Campus on July 18, 2024, organized its 2nd Annual in-house research Conference under the Theme “The Role of Private Higher Education for Sustainable Development”.

Rift Valley University News! Rift Valley University Kality Campus on July 18, 2024, organized its 2nd Annual in-house research Conference under the Theme “The Role of Private Higher Education for Sustainable Development”.

The Kality Campus community, guests from various RVU Campuses, and stakeholders participated in the Conference. The conference commenced with a welcome speech by Ato Gamata Ashbir, Kality Campus Dean. Ato Gamta in his speech thanked the organizing committee, scholars, and stakeholders for implementing the research conference as planned. After wrapping up his speech, he invited Ato Befekadu Dhaba, RVU Communications Director, and the guest of honor to make an opening speech.

Ato Befekadu in his speech touched upon the role Research plays in improving the livelihood of the citizens in uplifting the nation out of poverty, and attaining sustainable development. He appreciated the efforts made by the campus to materialize the vision and mission of RVU, and officially declared the opening of the research conference.

Five interdisciplinary cross-cutting scholarly papers were presented by RVU scholars and students. Two of the five papers were presented by the perspective graduates, and the participants applauded their performances. The presented papers were enriched through the active involvement of the participants.

Finally, certificates of awards were handed over to the participants.

The attached pictures were taken while the research Conference was underway at the Kality Campus.

RVU-Hub of Excellence!

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