Rift Valley University News!
Rift Valley University Administration and Business Development Vice President Office has organized a one-day training (June 3, 2024) for Campus Administration and Finance Heads on Human Resource Management and Awareness creation on RVU Revenue Diversification Strategies. The objectives of the training include awareness creation, capacity building of the Administration and Finance Heads to withstand both internal and external challenges the university is facing, and providing Quality Service to students and stakeholders.
The training resumed with the program introduction made by Ato Birhanu Zegeye, RVU Human Resource Director. After the brief introduction, Ato Birhanu invited Ato Gadisa Kelile, RVU Vice President for Administration and Business Development to make a welcome speech. In his welcome speech, Ato Gadisa encouraged Campus Administration and Finance Heads to jointly work along with the Campus Dean and other organs in materializing the vision and mission of RVU. He also urged them to speed up the bureaucratic hurdles and set an exemplary role that motivates staff and students to follow in their footsteps. After finalizing his speech, Ato Gadisa invited Professor Derbsa Dufera, Vice President for Research, Community Service, and Technology Transfer, to an opening speech representing RVU President Professor Nigussie Dechasa.
Professor Derbsa in his speech reminded trainees that the purpose of the training was awareness creation and capacity building so that they also train their subordinates when they returned to their campuses. He has mentioned that the training was organized based on the directives given by the RVU Senate decision to create a smooth workflow among various organs and enable RVU to implement its vision and mission as intended.
Prof. emphasized the importance of vertical and horizontal relations in attaining RVU’s short-term and long-term objectives. After raising many cross-cutting issues of the university, he declared the official opening of the training program.
Ato Gadissa Bekele, Vice President for Academic Affairs, mentioned competence and commitment as requirements for leaders and informed them to learn from the platform and share experiences that would help advance their knowledge and skills.
Dr. Abebe Gemechu, Vice President for Communications and External Relations touched upon the income-generating activities as a vital survival strategy in addition to the traditional fees collected from students and encouraged Admin and Finance Heads to think outside the accepted box and engage in income-generating activities.
The training was offered by RVU Directors and practitioners who were well-versed in the area. The trainees were given a chance to raise questions and reflect on their opinions. The concluding remark was made by Ato Gadissa Kelile. He underlined the impact of frequent government regulatory body policies on the number of student intake and the challenges awaiting ahead and encouraged them to come up with creative survival stagey that would allow them to cope with harsh realities. The participants appreciated the collegial approach and candied discussions and vow to work hard in implementing the results of the training,
The attached pictures were taken while the training was in progress.
RVU-Hub of Excellence!