Rift Valley University News! Rift Valley University’s Second Senate meeting (May 10, 2024)

Rift Valley University News! Rift Valley University’s Second Senate meeting (May 10, 2024)

Rift Valley University’s Second Senate meeting (May 10, 2024) commenced at RVU Head Office adjacent to Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Square. The Senators will deliberate on modified Organizational Structure, revised Senate Legislation, revised Strategic plan, six-month accomplishment report, and other pressing issues. RVU Presidents, Directors at the Head Office, and the Campus / College Dean are in attendance. The Senators are expected to approve these working documents and design an appropriate strategy that would enable RVU to withstand both internal and external challenges. 

The attached pictures were taken while the session was underway.

RVU Hub of Excellence!

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Hordoftoota Amantaa Kirstaanaa Hundaaf!

Yuunvarsiitiin Riifti Vaalii baga Ayyaana Cuuphaa kan bara 2017’n isin ga’e jechaa, ayyaannichi kan nagaa fi kan jaalalaa akka isiniif ta’u hawwa. Ayyaana Gaarii! Yuunvarsiitii-

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