
Guideline for the Rift Valley University Library’s (RVUL) Public Service


A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. The broad functions laid at the heart of library is provision of accurate and timely information which requires careful plan and clearly defined regulation. Library provides physical or digital access to material and virtual space. Accordingly, the RVULs established to acquire, organize, preserve, retrieve and disseminate information to all university communities. The RVULs have administrated under the Directorate for Academic Documentation and Libraries that built upon Technical and Public service sections which are backing about 50 branch libraries. The directorate is reporting to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, while branch libraries are accountable to their respective deans and to the Directorate for Academic Documentation and Libraries simultaneously. Therefore, this guideline produced to facilitate management of information in RVU Library system. It helps to comprehend duties of the library and expectations from the user community.  It is also important to provide uniform services at all branches of the library. All branch libraries are expected to implement this guiding document.

  1. Opening Hours
 Opening Closing
Monday – Friday 8:307:00 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM6:00PM
 Public Holidays Closed

However, each college library can adjust its appropriate opening time based on users’ interest & Environmental influences. But the total service hours shall not be less than 70 hours per week

2. Authorized Users
Resources of RVU Libraries are open to the following users

2.1. All University community (students, faculty and staff) of the respective campus;
2.2. Graduate and Undergraduate students of other component campuses /colleges of the RVU;
2.3. Former members of the faculty, alumni, and former students who were honorably discharged;
2.4. Scholars/Researchers, members of other educational institutions and agencies if permitted by the campus dean or Director for Academic Documentation & Libraries;

3. Library orientation

This is the activity of familiarize students and others with the library facilities, resources and services. It includes:

3.1. Brief explanation about objectives of library

3.2. Expectations of library’s from users (cooperation)

3.3. Types of services provide by the library

3.4. Available resources

3.5. Library rules and regulations

3.6. Duties and responsibly of users and library staff

3.7. Disciplinary majors

4. Types of Library Services
The RVUL services are categorized in two major parts. Namely_ Technical and Public Services

4.1. Technical Services

This service is performs very decisive technical activities behind the circulation desk such as

  • Download and upload e-books & E- articles ;
  • Processing collection development;
  • Classification and cataloguing;
  • Binding worn-out materials;

4.2. Public Services

This part of the library services is responsible for library facilities and respond to clients request. Such services are:

4.2.1. Circulation Services

  • Access to digital books;
  • Mobile based information services;
  • On spot loan service;
  • Long period loan;
  • Holding systems;
  • Facility services (clean, bright comfort and secured reading areas);
  • Computer access;
  • Reservation services;
  • General stack services;

4.2.2. Reference and documentation services

  • Library orientation;
  • Provide general reference materials;
  • Users inquiry services;
  • Inter-library loan services;

4.2.3. Periodicals Services

  • Current awareness services;
  • Local and Institutional Journals;
  • Subscription of  Electronic Journals;
  • Proceedings and research papers;

5. Library Collection

The RVULs are collecting and preserving the following sources of information in both physical and electronic format without restriction of geographical location.

  1. Books
  2. Journals and articles
  3. Magazines
  4. Research papers
  5. Newspapers
  6. Images
  7. Maps
  8. Pamphlets
  9. Paperclips
  10. Photographs
  1. Audio documents
  2. Video and movies
  1. Micro films and Microfiches
  2. Mocks
  3. Rallies
  4. Models and
  5. Other documents which are important for teaching learning and research works of the university.

6. Access to library Resources and Services

6.1. Conditions
6.1.1. Civility and respect shall be observed at all times. Any user must comply with all rules and regulations in the use of the library;
6.1.2. Library patrons access to electronic academic resources without restriction by using library workstations Wi-Fi and smart phones in the                  library;

6.1.3. Library clienteles have a right to download subscribed and open access articles, books and other electronic materials from library sites and            make them their own property;
6.1.4. In addition to online resources, the library practices the open-shelf system for post graduate students and faculty to maximize resources                utilization;
6.1.5. All authorized users have a right to have access to e-journals and e-books freely;

6.1.6. The library staff empower users through library oriented users how to use e-resources and sources of information;

6.2. Loan System

  • The RVUL sets limits loan periods and the number of renewals allowed for both on spot & long period loan;
  • Customers may place a hold on materials that are borrowed;
  • Library has the right to reserve rare and demanding book and documents for in library use only;

6.2.1. On Spot Loan

  • Permanent reserve books cannot be charged out unless the borrower is instructor and with the consent of the head of the circulation;
  • Temporary reserve books are reserved by instructors for one or two semesters behind the circulation desk and subjected to on spot loan. Number of students assigned to read a single temporary reserve book should not be excided thirty;
  • The library will duplicate temporary reserve materials if scarcity exists;
  • Every eligible user can borrow any book, journal or other information resources for on spot reading by depositing his/her ID card;

6.2.2. Long Loan for Stack Collections
1. For stack collections the Library shall facilitate loan system including distribution of library pocket;
2. The number of library pockets issues to users are determined based on status of users, (Faculty; Postgraduate, undergraduate students and           administrative staff.);
3. All Authorized users who are interested to borrow library books should  take library orientation and sign the membership card before the                 issuance of  library pocket;
4. Lost library pocket should be immediately reported to respective library;
5. a receiver of library pocket(s) is responsible for materials borrowed by his/ her pocket;
6. Lost Library pockets will be replaced after one month;
7. Borrower must return or renew a borrowed material on a given time;
8. The library is authorized to charging overdue fine for overdue materials;

9. A lost book while on loan should be reported immediately to the librarian;

10. Lost or damaged book should either be paid or replaced with the same title or of later edition;

11. General reference books, Journals, magazines, most documents, and some books (such books are marked “Reserved”) are not checked out of the library, unless accompanied by a special pass signed by a responsible Library staff member authorizing a special loan.

7. Library Rules

  1. All Users of the library shall show valid university ID card at entrance every time. The NO ID, NO ENTRY is strictly enforced to protect the interest of ratified users and to secure library Properties;
  2. Silence is strictly maintained in libraries;
  3. The ID card is non-transferable. Library privilege should be exercised personally;
  4. The owner of the ID card is responsible for all materials borrowed by his/ her ID card and Library Pocket;
  1. Personal belongings like bags and briefcases must be checked by library staff at exit.
  2. To have library services the ID card is validated within time interval specified by the university;
  3. Keep library property clean and safe;
  4. Use library resources only for learning, teaching & research purposes;
  5. The Library is not responsible for the loss of personal property brought into the buildings.
  6. All instances of loss should be reported immediately to the police,
  7. Dangerous weapons are prohibited items and include, but are not limited to, firearms, explosives, Knives razors, and box-cutters.
  1. Library computers are provide services only for educational and research purpose. Using library computers for illegal purposes such as pornography, personal and organizational attack and Political purpose is prohibited.
  1. All users of the library shall be followed the library rules and regulations;
  2. Violating library rules and regulations will leads to disciplinary and lawful measures;

8. Usage of Automated and/or Digitized Library Services

Check if your respective library is automated and/or has digital library.

  1. Automation_ If your respective library is automated by Koha, Joomla or other library databases you can find all materials available in you library easily and quickly on OPAC by connecting to the library web page. Ask you, the librarian, for farther automated services.
  2. Digitizing _ if your library has digital collections on different databases like S.R.E.
  • Switch on Wi-Fi found on your laptop or your mobile Phone;
  • Connect it with S.R.E. Digital Library;
  • Open Browser;
  • At the end of the browser, enter the library IP address that was delivered to you;
  • Then press GO or Enter;
  • Then search by title/ author/subject and enjoy your digital library;

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